Website Design & Development | Social Media

A web app for film productions
SafeSets is an online tool, that makes COVID Compliancy fast & easy for film productions. It helps productions manage contact tracing, log Cast, Crew & Visitor temperatures, track sanitisation and more.
Safesets has been able to help productions that are featured on:

Due to COVID, production sets are required to take temperatures of all cast, crew & visitors on set, as well as have a record of all individuals for contract tracing.
Normally this would be done by production staff or recorded down by a nurse on set.
This web app helps to record all this information, as well organise who needs to have their temperature tested, who and how many people are on set. If the location capacity is over its limit and more.
There are two types of users for, one is the set nurse who is recording down information on set (mobile), and another view for the producer or manager to view an overview of the Job (desktop).
Initial design vs. final design
After many iterations and testing the UI & UX for the web app was developed so that users would have the best experience.

First Login/First Day of production Process for nurse
A process was required to be designed for the first login/day of the shoot. It needed to be simple and quick to complete, as it needs to be done on set and on mobile.
The nurse is provided with an overview of steps they need to complete to set up the job. Included in this, is selecting a current location from a listed of provided locations. This information is required for the contacting tracing report that is generated.

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